Reading lists consist of doi’s or urls of items and a brief synopsis of why they are interesting
The following lists key names mapped to its type and meaning for each entry.
- _id:
string, Unique identifier for the reading list., required
- date:
[‘date’, ‘string’], date the list was edited, optional
- day:
integer, The day the list was edited, optional
- month:
[‘integer’, ‘string’], The month the list was edited, optional
- papers:
list, The list of items that are in the list, required
- type:
dict, optional
- doi:
string, the doi of the paper. If it doesn’t have one put ‘na’, optional
- text:
string, the description of why the item is important or interesting, optional
- url:
string, the url of the item if it has one, optional
- purpose:
string, The purpose or target audience for the list, optional
- title:
string, The title of the list, required
- year:
integer, The day the list was edited, optional
YAML Example
date: '2019-12-01'
- doi: 10.1107/97809553602060000935
text: Very basic, but brief, intro to african swallows
title: A step-by-step pathway towards african swallow understanding.
day: 15
month: 12
- doi: 10.1107/97809553602060000935
text: Very basic, but brief, intro to powder diffraction in general
- doi: 10.1039/9781847558237-00464
text: Lightest weight overview of PDF analysis around. Good starting point
- text: Download and install PDFgui software and run through the step by step
tutorial under the help tab
purpose: Beginning reading about PDF
title: A step-by-step pathway towards PDF understanding. It is recommended to read
the papers in the order they are listed here.
year: 2019
JSON/Mongo Example
"_id": "african_swallows",
"date": "2019-12-01",
"papers": [
"doi": "10.1107/97809553602060000935",
"text": "Very basic, but brief, intro to african swallows"
"title": "A step-by-step pathway towards african swallow understanding."
"_id": "getting_started_with_pdf",
"day": 15,
"month": 12,
"papers": [
"doi": "10.1107/97809553602060000935",
"text": "Very basic, but brief, intro to powder diffraction in general"
"doi": "10.1039/9781847558237-00464",
"text": "Lightest weight overview of PDF analysis around. Good starting point"
"text": "Download and install PDFgui software and run through the step by step tutorial under the help tab",
"url": ""
"purpose": "Beginning reading about PDF",
"title": "A step-by-step pathway towards PDF understanding. It is recommended to read the papers in the order they are listed here.",
"year": 2019