This collection represents grants that have been awarded to the group.
The following lists key names mapped to its type and meaning for each entry.
- _id:
[‘string’, ‘integer’, ‘float’], short representation, such as this-is-my-name, required
- account:
string, the account number which holds the funds, optional
- admin:
string, the unit or group administering the grant, optional
- alias:
string, the alias of the grant, optional
- amount:
[‘integer’, ‘float’], value of award, required
- awardnr:
string, the number of the award from the agency, optional
- begin_date:
[‘string’, ‘date’], start date of the grant (if string, in format YYYY-MM-DD), optional
- begin_day:
integer, start day of the grant, optional
- begin_month:
[‘string’, ‘integer’], start month of the grant, optional
- begin_year:
integer, start year of the grant, optional
- benefit_of_collaboration:
string, optional
- budget:
list, budget periods of grant, optional
- type:
dict, optional
- begin_date:
[‘string’, ‘date’], start date of the budget period in format YYYY-MM-DD, optional
- end_date:
[‘string’, ‘date’], end date of the budget period in format YYYY-MM-DD, optional
- student_months:
[‘float’, ‘integer’], number of months of funding for student members during the academic year, optional
- postdoc_months:
[‘float’, ‘integer’], number of months of funding for postdoc members during the academic year, optional
- ss_months:
[‘float’, ‘integer’], number of months of funding for the summer, optional
- amount:
[‘float’, ‘integer’], subaward for this budget period, optional
- call_for_proposals:
string, optional
- currency:
string, typically ‘$’ or ‘USD’, optional
- end_date:
[‘string’, ‘date’], start date of the grant (if string, in format YYYY-MM-DD), optional
- end_day:
[‘string’, ‘integer’], end day of the grant, optional
- end_month:
[‘string’, ‘integer’], end month of the grant, optional
- end_year:
integer, end year of the grant, optional
- funder:
string, the agency funding the work, required
- funds_available:
list, funds available on date, optional
- type:
dict, optional
- date:
[‘string’, ‘date’], optional
- funds_available:
[‘integer’, ‘float’], optional
- grant_id:
string, the identifier for this work, optional
- highlights:
list, lists of highlights from the project, optional
- type:
dict, optional
- year:
integer, optional
- month:
integer, optional
- description:
string, optional
- institution:
string, the host institution for the grant, optional
- narrative:
string, optional
- notes:
string, notes about the grant, optional
- person_months_academic:
[‘integer’, ‘float’], Number of months of funding during the academic year, optional
- person_months_summer:
[‘integer’, ‘float’], Number of months of funding during the summer, optional
- program:
string, the program the work was funded under, optional
- proposal_id:
string, initial proposal made for grant, optional
- scope:
string, The scope of the grant, answers the prompt: Describe Research Including Synergies and Delineation with Respect to this Proposal/Award:, optional
- status:
string, status of the grant, optional
- Allowed values:
- team:
list, information about the team members participating in the grant., required
- type:
dict, optional
- admin_people:
list, optional
- cv:
string, optional
- institution:
string, optional
- name:
string, optional
- position:
string, optional
- Allowed values:
- subaward_amount:
[‘integer’, ‘float’], optional
- title:
string, actual title of proposal / grant, required
YAML Example
admin: APAM
alias: sym
amount: 3000.0
awardnr: NF-1234
begin_day: 1
begin_month: May
begin_year: 2030
- amount: 1000.0
begin_date: '2030-05-01'
end_date: '2030-06-30'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 1.0
student_months: 0.5
- amount: 1000.0
begin_date: '2030-07-01'
end_date: '2030-09-30'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 2.0
student_months: 1.5
- amount: 1000.0
begin_date: '2030-10-01'
end_date: '2030-12-31'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 0.0
student_months: 3.0
end_day: 31
end_month: December
end_year: 2030
funder: NumFOCUS
- date: '2020-04-01'
funds_available: 2800.0
- date: '2021-01-03'
funds_available: 2100.0
- date: '2020-07-21'
funds_available: 2600.0
program: Small Development Grants
- institution: University of South Carolina
name: Anthony Scopatz
position: pi
- admin_people:
- A. D. Ministrator
institution: University of South Carolina
name: Aaron Meurer
position: researcher
title: SymPy 1.1 Release Support
admin: APAM
alias: sym2.0
amount: 3000.0
awardnr: NF-1234
begin_day: 1
begin_month: 6
begin_year: 2019
end_day: 31
end_month: December
end_year: 2030
funder: NumFOCUS
- date: '2020-04-01'
funds_available: 2800.0
- date: '2021-01-03'
funds_available: 2100.0
- date: '2020-07-21'
funds_available: 2600.0
- description: high profile pub in Nature
month: 5
year: 2020
program: Small Development Grants
proposal_id: SymPy-2.0
status: accepted
- institution: University of South Carolina
name: Anthony Scopatz
position: pi
- institution: University of South Carolina
name: Aaron Meurer
position: researcher
title: SymPy 2.0 Release Support
alias: abc42
amount: 42000.0
begin_date: '2020-06-01'
- amount: 42000.0
begin_date: '2020-06-01'
end_date: '2020-12-31'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 1.0
student_months: 0.0
end_date: '2020-12-31'
funder: Life
program: Metaphysical Grants
proposal_id: abc42
- institution: University of Pedagogy
name: Chief Pedagogue
position: pi
- institution: University of Pedagogy
name: Pedagogue Jr.
position: copi
title: The answer to life, the universe, and everything
account: GG012345
admin: DSI
alias: dmref15
amount: 982785.0
awardnr: DMR-0785462
- amount: 327595.0
begin_date: '2018-05-01'
end_date: '2018-09-30'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 6.0
student_months: 12.0
- amount: 327595.0
begin_date: '2018-10-01'
end_date: '2019-01-30'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 12.0
student_months: 8.0
- amount: 327595.0
begin_date: '2019-02-01'
end_date: '2019-05-01'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 6.0
student_months: 12.0
funder: NSF
grant_id: DMREF-1534910
institution: Columbia University
notes: Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)
person_months_academic: 0.0
person_months_summer: 0.25
program: DMREF
proposal_id: dmref15
scope: This grant is to develop complex modeling methods for regularizing ill-posed
nanostructure inverse problems using data analytic and machine learning based
approaches. This does not overlap with any other grant.
- institution: Columbia University
name: qdu
position: copi
- institution: Columbia University
name: dhsu
position: copi
- institution: Columbia University
name: Anthony Scopatz
position: pi
subaward_amount: 330000.0
title: 'DMREF: Novel, data validated, nanostructure determination methods for accelerating
materials discovery'
amount: 0.0
begin_date: '2020-06-01'
- amount: 0.0
begin_date: '2020-06-01'
end_date: '2020-08-30'
postdoc_months: 0.0
ss_months: 0.0
student_months: 0.0
end_date: '2020-12-31'
funder: Life
program: Underground Grants
- institution: Ministry of Magic
name: Chief Witch
position: pi
- institution: Ministry of Magic
name: Chief Wizard
position: copi
title: Support for teaching assistants
JSON/Mongo Example
"_id": "SymPy-1.1",
"admin": "APAM",
"alias": "sym",
"amount": 3000.0,
"awardnr": "NF-1234",
"begin_day": 1,
"begin_month": "May",
"begin_year": 2030,
"budget": [
"amount": 1000.0,
"begin_date": "2030-05-01",
"end_date": "2030-06-30",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 1.0,
"student_months": 0.5
"amount": 1000.0,
"begin_date": "2030-07-01",
"end_date": "2030-09-30",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 2.0,
"student_months": 1.5
"amount": 1000.0,
"begin_date": "2030-10-01",
"end_date": "2030-12-31",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 0.0,
"student_months": 3.0
"call_for_proposals": "",
"end_day": 31,
"end_month": "December",
"end_year": 2030,
"funder": "NumFOCUS",
"funds_available": [
"date": "2020-04-01",
"funds_available": 2800.0
"date": "2021-01-03",
"funds_available": 2100.0
"date": "2020-07-21",
"funds_available": 2600.0
"narrative": "",
"program": "Small Development Grants",
"team": [
"institution": "University of South Carolina",
"name": "Anthony Scopatz",
"position": "pi"
"admin_people": [
"A. D. Ministrator"
"institution": "University of South Carolina",
"name": "Aaron Meurer",
"position": "researcher"
"title": "SymPy 1.1 Release Support"
"_id": "SymPy-2.0",
"admin": "APAM",
"alias": "sym2.0",
"amount": 3000.0,
"awardnr": "NF-1234",
"begin_day": 1,
"begin_month": 6,
"begin_year": 2019,
"call_for_proposals": "",
"end_day": 31,
"end_month": "December",
"end_year": 2030,
"funder": "NumFOCUS",
"funds_available": [
"date": "2020-04-01",
"funds_available": 2800.0
"date": "2021-01-03",
"funds_available": 2100.0
"date": "2020-07-21",
"funds_available": 2600.0
"highlights": [
"description": "high profile pub in Nature",
"month": 5,
"year": 2020
"narrative": "",
"program": "Small Development Grants",
"proposal_id": "SymPy-2.0",
"status": "accepted",
"team": [
"institution": "University of South Carolina",
"name": "Anthony Scopatz",
"position": "pi"
"institution": "University of South Carolina",
"name": "Aaron Meurer",
"position": "researcher"
"title": "SymPy 2.0 Release Support"
"_id": "abc42",
"alias": "abc42",
"amount": 42000.0,
"begin_date": "2020-06-01",
"budget": [
"amount": 42000.0,
"begin_date": "2020-06-01",
"end_date": "2020-12-31",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 1.0,
"student_months": 0.0
"end_date": "2020-12-31",
"funder": "Life",
"program": "Metaphysical Grants",
"proposal_id": "abc42",
"team": [
"institution": "University of Pedagogy",
"name": "Chief Pedagogue",
"position": "pi"
"institution": "University of Pedagogy",
"name": "Pedagogue Jr.",
"position": "copi"
"title": "The answer to life, the universe, and everything"
"_id": "dmref15",
"account": "GG012345",
"admin": "DSI",
"alias": "dmref15",
"amount": 982785.0,
"awardnr": "DMR-0785462",
"budget": [
"amount": 327595.0,
"begin_date": "2018-05-01",
"end_date": "2018-09-30",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 6.0,
"student_months": 12.0
"amount": 327595.0,
"begin_date": "2018-10-01",
"end_date": "2019-01-30",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 12.0,
"student_months": 8.0
"amount": 327595.0,
"begin_date": "2019-02-01",
"end_date": "2019-05-01",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 6.0,
"student_months": 12.0
"funder": "NSF",
"grant_id": "DMREF-1534910",
"institution": "Columbia University",
"notes": "Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)",
"person_months_academic": 0.0,
"person_months_summer": 0.25,
"program": "DMREF",
"proposal_id": "dmref15",
"scope": "This grant is to develop complex modeling methods for regularizing ill-posed nanostructure inverse problems using data analytic and machine learning based approaches. This does not overlap with any other grant.",
"team": [
"institution": "Columbia University",
"name": "qdu",
"position": "copi"
"institution": "Columbia University",
"name": "dhsu",
"position": "copi"
"institution": "Columbia University",
"name": "Anthony Scopatz",
"position": "pi",
"subaward_amount": 330000.0
"title": "DMREF: Novel, data validated, nanostructure determination methods for accelerating materials discovery"
"_id": "ta",
"amount": 0.0,
"begin_date": "2020-06-01",
"budget": [
"amount": 0.0,
"begin_date": "2020-06-01",
"end_date": "2020-08-30",
"postdoc_months": 0.0,
"ss_months": 0.0,
"student_months": 0.0
"end_date": "2020-12-31",
"funder": "Life",
"program": "Underground Grants",
"team": [
"institution": "Ministry of Magic",
"name": "Chief Witch",
"position": "pi"
"institution": "Ministry of Magic",
"name": "Chief Wizard",
"position": "copi"
"title": "Support for teaching assistants"