This collection describes the research group news. This is normally public data.
The following lists key names mapped to its type and meaning for each entry.
- _id:
str, Unique identifier for the news
- body:
str, the main text of the new story
- author:
str, Name that should match a person or AKA
- year:
int, publication year
- month:
str, publication month
- day:
int, publication day
YAML Example
author: Anthony Scopatz
body: Dr. Robert Flanagan joined ERGS as a post-doctoral scholar.
day: 1
month: February
year: 2016
JSON/Mongo Example
{"_id": "56b4eb6d421aa921504ef2a9",
"author": "Anthony Scopatz",
"body": "Dr. Robert Flanagan joined ERGS as a post-doctoral scholar.",
"day": 1,
"month": "February",
"year": 2016}