
Regolith helpers can add to, list from, or update existing collections in your databases. While helpers can be accessed through command line/terminal, the Helper gui is a more comfortable and accessible way to use them.

As with regular regolith, helper_gui must be run from a directory containing a regolithrc.json file and it will use the config parameters it finds in there. To use the gui, navigate to such a directory and type regolith_helper, e.g.,

$ cd path/to/database/local
$ helper_gui


Layout image

The sidebar on the left hand side contains the available helpers, and the right hand side contains the required and optional arguments for each of the helpers.


There are three main types of helpers:

  • Adders (start with a_),

  • Listers (start with l_, ‘lister’ is included),

  • Updaters (start with u_),

Other helpers are:

  • Finishers (start with f_),

  • Validators (start with v_),

As well as a few specialized ones such as makeappointments

Here we pick representative helpers and discuss how to use the gui for each one.

The gui is pretty self explanatory in general.

  • First select the helper that you want to use in the left hand column.

  • Fields then appear on the right of the gui with all of the required and optional arguments for the selected helper.

  • After filling in the required fields, as well as any desired optional fields, press start.

  • The helper will then be run in the same way as it would if run from the command line.

  • The output from the helper will appear in the status field

  • To run another helper hit Edit and start over

  • To rerun the same helper with the same inputs, hit restart

  • You can leave the helper gui running indefinitely and use it whenever you want. However, to close it hit close or click the red X.


l_members will list group members from the people collection. l_members doesn’t have any required fields, and if no optional arguments are selected, it will list all the group members in the database regardless of status.

l_members image

A short description is given for each entry. The other optional arguments are quite self explanatory.

The Verbose radio button in all the helpers will give more information in the output.

All helpers also have the filter and keys fields that allow filtering for a particular value on any top level field. If the filter is satisfied the helper will return the value of the keys given in the keys field. If the keys field is left blank just the id’s of the documents that satisfy the filter are returned.

For example, to get the honors of all the people that contain “Andrew” in the “name” fields you would put name Andrew in the filter field and honors in the filter field. Multiple filters can be specified and use the AND logic, so typing aka andrew bio columbia will find all people with andrew in the list of aka’s who also have Columbia somewhere in their bio.

Putting name avatar in the keys field will return the values of the name and the avatar field for the documents that satisfy the filter. The filter field must contain pairs of words (for key value) but as in the example, multiple pairs may be specified.


This helper will add a new projectum (i.e., mini-project) to the projecta collection.

a_projectum image

The required fields are name and lead.

The description is a string and does not need to be enclosed in quotes in the gui (it does need to be in quotes on the command line).

For entries that take a list of entries, simply type in entries separated by spaces. You may use quotation marks if a list entry contains spaces. The collaborators and group_members fields take IDs for entries linked to people that can be found in the contacts and people collections, respectively, e.g., sbillinge.

For due-date you may type it in ISO format (e.g. 2021-07-23) or select the data using the built int date selector.

A special kind of projectum is a paper submission checklist and selecting this radio button will generate one of these and add it to the collection.


u_logurl can be used to update the log url for any projectum in the projecta collection.

u_logurl image

database field

For adders and updaters, the helper needs to know which database the new/updated entry should be added to. If the database field is left blank, the first database in the regolithrc.json file will be selected. However, the name of any database that is in the regolithrc.json can be entered in this database field. For example, if you run the helper gui from a database called rg-db-private, which contains private information visible only to yourself, but you want to update an entry and have it visible to the entire world, and you have a public database called rg-db-public listed in the regolithrc.json, then you would type rg-db-public (or whatever is in the name field of the desired database in regolithrc.json).

The date field is rarely used, as a default of today’s date is taken. The contents of this field is generally used for testing.


This u_milestone helper exemplifies an important pattern in a number of the helpers. The workflow goes as follows:

  1. Type a fragment of the projectum id that you remember

    workflow1 image
  2. Hit start

  3. The helper will return a list of all projecta that contain that fragment

    workflow3 image
  4. Note the full id of in your target projectum

  5. Click edit to get back to the front page

  6. Now knowing the full id of your target projectum, type it in the projectum_id field

    workflow6 image
  7. Click start again

  8. The helper will return a numbered list of all milestones in for that projectum

    workflow8 image
  9. Without changing the entry in the id field, add the number in the list of your target milestone

  10. Add any edits you would like to make to the milestone via the other fields

    workflow10 image
  11. Click start again

  12. The correct entry will get updated and a message returned that verifies success

    workflow12 image

Note that unless you specify the right database in the database field the update will be inserted in the default database which may, or may not, contain the rest of the projectum information. This can be confusing until you get the hang of it.