welcome to the regolith docs
Regolith is a content management system for software & research groups. Regolith creates and manages a database of people, publications, projects, proposals & grants, courses, and more! From this database, regolith is then able to:
Generate a group website,
Generate CVs and publication lists for the group members,
Act as a grade book for your courses, and more!
Databases may be file-based (JSON and YAML) or MongoDB-based.
Regolith is developed as a regro project
Example Sites
The following are some sample websites that are powered by regolith, even though building websites is just one of the many facets of this tool:
1. Make your first database
The quickest way to get started is to set up your first minimal database using a
handy cookie cutter. These instructions use the command line and assume you know
how to use the terminal/cmd prompt, and that you know how to install software from
either Pypi using pip
or Anaconda/Miniconda using conda
. The
instructions use the linux shell commands which should work on Mac and linux
computers, and on windows if you are running from at Git Bash terminal (recommended)
but will be slightly different (but still work) on a windows cmd terminal.
First install the cookiecutter package if you don’t already have it
$ conda install cookiecutter
$ pip install cookiecutter
Next, clone the GitHub repository with the handy beginning database template
$ git clone git@github.com:sbillinge/regolithdb-cookiecutter.git
to get it using SSH or
$ git clone https://github.com/sbillinge/regolithdb-cookiecutter.git
to get it using the HTTPS protocol (just use whichever works for you)
Make a note of the path to the resulting regolithdb-cookiecutter
(e.g., /c/Users/me/scratch/regolithdb-cookiecutter
but yours will be different).
This is not your database, this is just the template and will be removed shortly.
Next, in a new terminal, or in the same terminal, move to the directory where
you want to install your own permanent database. For example, we like to
create a directory off our home directory called dbs
where we will keep
all of our databases (believe me, once you start using Regolith you will want
to make more and more)
$ cd ~ # takes you to your home directory
$ mkdir dbs # creates the dbs directory if it is not already there
$ cd dbs # change dir to the new dbs directory
Now by running cookiecutter your starting db will be built from the template
$ cookiecutter <path>/<to>/regolithdb-cookiecutter
The program will ask a series of questions and you can type responses. Take your time and answer the questions as accurately as possible, because you are already entering data into your database!
Here is an example, and the questions look like
$ cookiecutter ~/scratch/regolithdb-cookiecutter/
database_name [my-cv-db]:
my_first_name [Albert]: Simon
my_last_name [Einstein]: Billinge
id_for_me [aeinstein]: sbillinge
my_group_name [Einstein Group]: Billinge Group
and so on. If you just hit enter the cookie-cutter will use the default values and you will build a database for Einstein, but type the values you want in answer to each question to make your own.
If you make a mistake just type CTL^C
and do it again. You may have to remove the directory if it has already been
created, for example, $ rm -r my-cv-db
. Watch what you type here and
be careful not to remove something you care about by mistake!
When you are happy with your database setup, type
$ ls
which lists all the files in your current directory,
and you should see a directory called my-cv-db
or whatever you chose to
call you database. OK, let’s go and look at our database. change directory into it and do a directory
$ cd my-cv-db
$ ls
or open a file browser such as windows explorer and check out what is in there.
You will see a direcotry called db
and a file called regolithrc.json
All of the collections in your database are in the db
directory. The
contains a bunch of information that Regolith needs to run and do its business.
You can use the Regolith program to do many things with, and to, your
database. But you must always run Regolith from a directory that contains a
file. Since you are in a directory that contains one,
you can run Regolith from here, but first you have to install it….
2. install Regolith
Regolith packages are available from conda-forge and PyPI:
$ conda install -c conda-forge regolith
$ pip install regolith
The Regolith code is migrating quickly these days. If you prefer you can
install from the GitHub repository mode and get the latest changes.
In that case, clone the GitHub repository,
change directory to the top level directory in that cloned repository where the
file is. From inside your virtual environment, type
$ pip install regolith -e
which installs regolith in this environment in develop mode. In this mode, the version of Regolith you run will change each time you update from the repo leading to instability so be careful.
To check that your installation is working, let’s have Regolith make us a todo list from our database.
Make sure you are in a directory that
contains a regolithrc.json
file (which you should be, i.e., the
top level directory of ~/dbs/my-cv-db
, if you have been
following these instructions) and type
$ regolith helper l_todos
and you should see something like
loading .\./db\todos.yml...
dumping todos...
usage: regolith helper [-h] [-s STATI [STATI ...]] [--short [SHORT]]
[-t TAGS [TAGS ...]] [-a ASSIGNED_TO]
[-b [ASSIGNED_BY]] [--date DATE]
[-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
positional arguments:
helper_target helper target to run. Currently valid targets are:
['a_expense', 'a_grppub_readlist', 'a_manurev',
'a_presentation', 'a_projectum', 'a_proposal',
'a_proprev', 'a_todo', 'f_prum', 'f_todo',
'l_abstract', 'l_contacts', 'l_grants', 'l_members',
'l_milestones', 'l_progress', 'l_projecta', 'l_todo',
'u_contact', 'u_institution', 'u_logurl',
'u_milestone', 'u_todo', 'v_meetings', 'lister',
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s STATI [STATI ...], --stati STATI [STATI ...]
Filter tasks with specific status from ['started',
'finished', 'cancelled', 'paused']. Default is
--short [SHORT] Filter tasks with estimated duration <= 30 mins, but
if a number is specified, the duration of the filtered
tasks will be less than that number of minutes.
-t TAGS [TAGS ...], --tags TAGS [TAGS ...]
Filter tasks by tags. Items are returned if they
contain any of the tags listed
-a ASSIGNED_TO, --assigned-to ASSIGNED_TO
Filter tasks that are assigned to this user id.
Default id is saved in user.json.
-b [ASSIGNED_BY], --assigned-by [ASSIGNED_BY]
Filter tasks that are assigned to other members by
this user id. Default id is saved in user.json.
--date DATE Enter a date such that the helper can calculate how
many days are left from that date to the due-date.
Default is today.
-f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
Search this collection by giving key element pairs.
'-f description paper' will return tasks with
description containing 'paper'
If the indices are far from being in numerical order, please renumber them by running regolith helper u_todo -r
(index) action (days to due date|importance|expected duration (mins)|tags|assigned by)
(1) Do all the things to set up todos in regolith (59|3|60.0||None)
Tasks (decreasing priority going up)
2021-07-29(59 days): (1) Do all the things to set up todos in regolith (59|3|60.0||None)
After all the help messages is your list of Todo items. There is just one item,
Do all the things to set up todos in regolith
OK, your Regolith is working. If it isn’t working, consider joining, browsing and posting questions to the regolith-users Google group.
Quick(ish) Start
OK, let’s use Regolith to build our cv. Why not. again, in a terminal navigate
to the top level directory of your database (where the regolithrc.json
file is). and type:
$ regolith build cv
Regolith will take information from the various collections in your database and
build them into your academic cv according to a pre-determined template. The
current template builds the cv using latex. If your computer has latex installed
and Regolith can find it, your cv should appear as a pdf document in the directory
(or more generally <path>/<to>/<database_name>/_build
All your built documents will appear in the _build
If you don’t have latex installed we can have Regolith build the latex source file for the cv but without trying to render it to PDF,
$ regolith build cv --no-pdf
The latex source is a text file that you will find in the _build
and you can open it in a text editor. Even without latex installed you can
render it by opening a free account at http://overleaf.com starting a new blank
project, uploading the <filename>.tex
and <filename>.bib
files to
that project and hitting the recompile
Whether it builds on your computer or on overleaf, it should look something like

If, for some reason, the publication list doesn’t render correctly, try running the latex command again. If you are going to do much building with regolith it is definitely recommended to install latex on your computer, such as MikTeX for windows (latex comes installed with many linux systems and is easily installed on IOS).
What Next?
You have not spent too much time entering data into your database yet, but you
can already build a number of different things. Try building your
resume ($ regolith build resume
), your publication list
($ regolith build publist
) and your presentation list
($ regolith build preslist
). You can even build a web-page
for your group ($ regolith build html
). It will look pretty
ugly until we set it up properly with a nice template, but all the content
will be dynamically built from the latest info in your databases.
To see everything you can build, type $ regolith build --help
To build some of those things you will need more collections that are not
in the cookie cutter template, for example,
and grants
collections, but you get the idea.
So next we might want to work on those collections and start adding more data.
This can be done in a couple of ways. Probably the simplest to begin
with is just use a text editor or IDE like PyCharm. The yml
files are
yaml files, which is a human readable way of storing information that can be
read and understood by python. Please read about it here
if you are not familiar with it. However, briefly to get you started, it encodes
whether information is part of a list or a dictionary by indentation and semantics.
For example,
- list item
- another list item
would be read by python as {"key": ["list item", "another list item"]}
and a collection consisting of a list of dictionaries would look like this in yaml:
- name: Arthur
quest: To find the Holy Grail
favorite_color: Blue
- name: Sir Lancelot
quest: To find the Holy Grail
favorite_color: Green, no pink
Long story short, you can update your database by directly editing the file, and this is quick and easy when you get comfortable with the YAML syntax, but can be frustrating as you are learning it.
If you want to check what
fields are allowed or required in a collection look at the Collections part of
the docs, Collections, which are built from the Regolith schema
(or directly look at the
schema in schema.py
). You can automatically check if your database
edits are valid by running $ regolith validate
Getting Help from Helpers
Regolith builders build documents, but there are a small but growing number of
tools that either will run popular queries on the database and print the results
to the terminal (“lister helpers” with l_
prefixes – you
already used one,
it was the lister helper that builds your todo list).
There are also helpers
that help you to add documents to your database collections. These are
“adder helpers” with a_
prefixes. An important adder helper is
helper that will add a todo item to your list.
helpers” will update existing entries in your databases and have prefix
An important special kind of updater helper is a “finish helper” that will mark
something as finished (and give it a finish date). So when you do that
pesky 15th todo item on your todo list, run
regolith helper f_todo -i 15
to finish it.
That is a lot of typing to finish a todo, so consider setting up an alias in
the config file for your terminal program (my terminals run bash so I put the
alias in the .bashrc
file in my home directory ($ cd ~
to get there).
With this alias I just type rhlt 15
to finish that 15th todo item.
To explore what helpers are there so you can play with them, type
$ regolith helper
and hit return. It will return a list of available helpers, e.g.,
$ regolith helper
usage: regolith helper [-h] helper_target
regolith helper: error: the following arguments are required: helper_target
usage: regolith helper [-h] helper_target
positional arguments:
helper_target helper target to run. Currently valid targets are:
['a_expense', 'a_grppub_readlist', 'a_manurev',
'a_presentation', 'a_projectum', 'a_proposal', 'a_proprev',
'a_todo', 'f_prum', 'f_todo', 'l_abstract', 'l_contacts',
'l_grants', 'l_members', 'l_milestones', 'l_progress',
'l_projecta', 'l_todo', 'u_contact', 'u_institution',
'u_logurl', 'u_milestone', 'u_todo', 'v_meetings', 'lister',
then if you want to know how to use any of the helpers type
$ regolith helper <helper target>
and hit return, e.g.,
$ regolith helper l_contacts
usage: regolith helper [-h] [-v] [-n NAME] [-i INST] [-d DATE] [-r RANGE]
[-o NOTES] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
[-k KEYS [KEYS ...]]
helper_target run
regolith helper: error: the following arguments are required: run
usage: regolith helper [-h] [-v] [-n NAME] [-i INST] [-d DATE] [-r RANGE]
[-o NOTES] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
[-k KEYS [KEYS ...]]
helper_target run
positional arguments:
helper_target helper target to run. Currently valid targets are:
['a_expense', 'a_grppub_readlist', 'a_manurev',
'a_presentation', 'a_projectum', 'a_proposal',
'a_proprev', 'a_todo', 'f_prum', 'f_todo',
'l_abstract', 'l_contacts', 'l_grants', 'l_members',
'l_milestones', 'l_progress', 'l_projecta', 'l_todo',
'u_contact', 'u_institution', 'u_logurl',
'u_milestone', 'u_todo', 'v_meetings', 'lister',
run run the lister. To see allowed optional arguments,
type "regolith helper l_contacts".
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increases the verbosity of the output.
-n NAME, --name NAME name or name fragment (single argument only) to use to
find contacts.
-i INST, --inst INST institution or an institution fragment (single
argument only) to use to find contacts.
-d DATE, --date DATE approximate date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
corresponding to when the contact was entered in the
database. Comes with a default range of 4 months
centered around the date; change range using --range
-r RANGE, --range RANGE
range (in months) centered around date d specified by
--date, i.e. (d +/- r/2).
-o NOTES, --notes NOTES
fragment (single argument only) to be found in the
notes section of a contact.
-f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
Search this collection by giving key element pairs.
-k KEYS [KEYS ...], --keys KEYS [KEYS ...]
Specify what keys to return values from when running
--filter. If no argument is given the default is just
the id.
you then would rerun the command giving all required, and any optional, command line arguments. e.g.,
$ regolith helper l_contacts run --name frank -v
will return all contacts in the contacts collection where frank
appears anywhere
in the name, such as Frankie Valli
, Baron von Frankenstein
and Anne Frank
(if they are in your contacts). The -v
command stands for verbose
which means more information is
returned than if you don’t type -v
. You can try it now:
$ regolith helper l_contacts run -n auth -v
Setting up Gitlab repository information for API requests
Some helpers have features that make API requests to GitLab (or GitHub). For example, the a_presentation helper has a functionality that
creates a repository in a designated GitLab group. In order to use these features, the target repository
information needs to be defined in your configuration files (regolithrc.json
, user.json
Setting up Destination Repo Information
The designated repository information should be defined in regolithrc.json
in the directory in which you are
running the helper. Create a collection of repository targets designated as repos
(see below for an example).
according to the following pattern. We will use as an example an entry that will
allow a_presentation
to successfully create a repository in a group called talks
on a GitLab instance.
looks for a rep with the entry _id
with value "talk_repo"
- “repos”:[
- {“_id”: “talk_repo”, # a_presentation looks for the entry with this ID
- “params”: {“namespace_id”: “35”, # These params are handed to the API post request.
“initialize_with_readme”: “True” # “name” is also needed but a_presentation generates that automatially },
“url”: “https://gitlab.example.com”, # The URL of the main GitLab/GitHub instance “api_route”: “/api/v4/projects/”, # This is the route to the REST-API. The value
# shown here is correct for GitLab at the time of writing
“namespace_name”: “talks” # the name of group/org which corresponds to the namespace_id above.
}, {
“_id”: “another_example_repo”, […]
The namespace ID is the repository’s group ID which can be found on the target repository’s main page.
The url
and api_route
should be in the format above, including the dashes.
For more information on the required request info, or to see a list of additional attributes
that can also be defined in the request (e.g. initialize_with_readme
, description
, etc.),
see GitHub or GitLab API documentation, e.g., for GitLab the GitLab docs.
(Note that additional attributes can be defined under params
, where needed.)
Setting up your Private Access Token
Your personal/private API request token should be defined in user.json
, which can be found in your
~/.config directory. Similarly, define a distinct ID for each private token. For example, to create a repo
in GitLab, you should define your authentication token with the ID, "gitlab_private_token"
"_id": "gitlab_private_token",
"token": "<private-token>"
"_id": "example_token",
To learn more about creating a personal access token, refer to the
Gitlab docs.
Note that your personal access token should have the api
scope enabled in order to make a successful request.
To change the target directory, you can change the parameters (or IDs) in the function
create_repo(destination_id, token_info_id, rc)
in a_presentationhelper.py to
the IDs of your desired repo info and corresponding token.
Setting up GitHub repository information for API requests
Using the filter capabilities in the helpers
Most helpers have a filter field. This allows you to filter the relevant collection before running the helper functionality.
The logic of filter is the following. A document will be valid if the value of key contains value for all keys and values using AND logic.
As an example, if we consider filtering in the l_milestones
helper we will get the following behavior. l_milestones
operates on the projecta
collection, so the filter will be applied to this collection.
If you specify --filter lead voe
it will return all documents where voe
appears in the value for the lead
field (e.g., if there is someone with an id of carvoe
and another person with and id of voedemort
the filter will return all the documents where either of these people are lead
If you then select current
and verbose
the helper will do the normal thing of returning in verbose form the current milestones, but it will do it on the filtered collection.
A slight gotcha is that since filter uses “in” in its logic, if the type of the key value is a string it will find all strings that contain that fragment, as above, but if the type of the key value is a list it will return documents where the specified value is in the list, so --filter group_member voe
will return all the documents where voe
is listed as a group member, but it won’t return any documents where carvoe
or voedemort
are listed as a group member.
The filter uses AND logic and operates such that --filter lead voe grants mygrant21 status finished
will return all prums that are led by carvoe
or voedemort
that acknowledge the mygrant21 grant and are finished. Actually, similar behavior can be obtained also by selecting --lead voe --stati finished --filter grants mygrant21
unfortunately the filter function does not currently recurse, so it will only operate on top level key-value pairs where the type of the value is a string or a list or a tuple.
Backing up and protecting your work
Now you have started saving your precious life’s work in your regolith database you better start protecting it and backing it up. One low overhead approach for this is simply to set up your database directory to be backed up remotely as a Google drive or Dropbox synced directory, for example.
However, Regolith is set up to work with git and GitHub and this is a powerful option if you are comfortable with it. This gets more useful when you want to start sharing databases with group members, for example, using GitHub access rights. It is also possible to make sure people’s edits to the database won’t break things by setting up continuous integration (CI) that runs some validation and builders and makes sure they don’t crash before the edits are accepted. This is much more advanced usage which you should save for later.
To get started with the GitHub option, the next thing to do is to turn your database directory
on your filesystem into a git repository and link it to a repository on
your personal space on GitHub (you will need a GitHub account). You can make
that repo private so the world
cannot see your todo list, or public so that the world can see the web-page
you build from it. We will get back to this later, but Regolith will build
collections from across databases, so you can have parts of your people
collection private and other parts public. Depending which regolithrc.json
file you use to build with, you can pull from the public, or private, or both
parts. Again, this is a peep to the future.
For now, let’s assume you just want to back up and keep versions of
you private database. You will make a repository on your personal GitHub account
and synchronize your local database with this repo.
Instructions for doing this are here
Once you get everything set up you will want to periodically (meaning frequently) type
$ git commit -a -m "my commit message"
$ git push
This will add, commit and push all files that git is tracking that have been updated locally. If you add a new file to the repository and want it in the GitHub backup, you will have to explicitly add it before committing,
$ git add my_new_file.py
$ git commit -m "an even more informative commit message"
$ git commit
commits (i.e., checks in) to the git database (yes,
git, like you now, is using a database backend) everything that has been added, or staged, for commit.
$ git commit -a
automatically adds all files that git is tracking
(have been previously committed in the past) that have been edited and then
commits them.
They are now safely captured in the git database and you can retrieve them
later if you accidentally delete your personal database or mess it up some other way.
But this version of the git database is still stored on your local computer, so
if you spill coffee on your computer, you may lose everything. $ git push
pushes all
these updates to a remote computer on the internet at the GitHub headquarters.
Git and GitHub form a wonderful but complicated infrastructure, it is well worth
getting to know how to use them well. For now, we have used it to
secure your precious database. Remember to make frequent pushes.
OK, you are started with your Regolith database. Go play. Regolith can do many more complicated things to help with administering your research group, or whatever you are working on. We will continue to add tutorials below explaining some of these things, so check back from time to time. And remember join and to ask questions at the regolith-users Google group. They will get answered.
Run Control
Database Collections
Collections are the regolith (and mongo) abstraction for tables. Entries (or rows) in a collection must follow the schema defined below. In general, the following notions hold:
An entry is a dictionary with string keys.
Each entry must contain a unique identifier. This is called
in JSON and Mongo, and is simply the top-level key in YAML.A collection is a list of entries that follow the same schema.
Not all regolith actions will use every collection type. It is common for regolith projects to just use some of the collections below. For example, building a group website will use different collections than managing students and grades in a course! With these points in mind, feel free to dive into the databases below!
Regolith API
For those who want to dive deeper into the library itself.
Regolith Commands
Shell commmands for regolith