News Workflow

One of the most helpful features of rever is the changelog activity. This activity produces a changelog by colating news files. The changelog is written into the repo and can be used in the GitHub release activity.

The workflow for using news is:

  1. Go into the news/ directory

  2. Copy the TEMPLATE.rst file to another file in the news/ directory. We suggest using the branchname:

    $ cp TEMPLATE.rst branch.rst
  3. The news files are customizable in the rever.xsh files. However, the default template looks like:

    * <news item>
    * <news item>
    * <news item>
    * <news item>
    * <news item>
    * <news item>

    In this case you can remove the * <news item> and replace it with your own news entries, e.g.:

    * New news template tutorial
    * <news item>
    * <news item>
    * <news item>
    * <news item>
    * <news item>
  4. Commit your branch.rst.

Feel free to update this file whenever you want! Please don’t use someone else’s file name. All of the files in this news/ directory will be merged automatically at release time. The <news item> entries will be automatically filtered out too!

Once the project is ready for a release when running the rever command all the files, except the template, in the news folder will be collated and merged into a single changelog file.