Version Control System Utilities (rever.vcsutils)

Some version control utilities for rever

rever.vcsutils.authors_emails(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a set of (author, email) tuples

rever.vcsutils.checkout(*args, **kwargs)

Checks out a revision.

rever.vcsutils.commit(*args, **kwargs)

Commits a revision to the repo.

rever.vcsutils.commits_per_author(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a dictionary mapping author names to commits

rever.vcsutils.commits_per_email(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a dictionary mapping emails to commits

rever.vcsutils.current_branch(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the current branch for the user’s version control system.

rever.vcsutils.current_rev(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the current revision for the user’s version control system.

rever.vcsutils.del_remote_tag(*args, **kwargs)

Deletes a tag from the remote repository.

rever.vcsutils.del_tag(*args, **kwargs)

Deletes a tag from the local repository.

rever.vcsutils.first_commit_per_email(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a dictionary mapping emails to the datetime of its first commit


Returns a set of (author, email) tuples


Checks out a branch name, tag, or other revision.

rever.vcsutils.git_commit(message='Rever commit')

Commits to the repo.


Returns a dictionary mapping author names to commits


Returns a dictionary mapping emails to commits. Accepts a “since” argument, which specifies the lower boundary.


Returns the current branch for git


Obtains the current git revison hash for storage and rewinding purposes.

rever.vcsutils.git_del_remote_tag(tag, remote)

Deletes a tag from a remote repo


Deletes a tag from the local repo


Returns a dictionary mapping emails to the datetime of its first commit


Checks that we have push permission to a remote repository.


Returns the most recent tag in the repo.

rever.vcsutils.git_merge(src, into)

Merges commits from a src branch into another branch.

rever.vcsutils.git_push(remote, target)

Pushes up to a remote and target branch


Pushes up tags to a remote


Performs a git reset –hard to a revision.


Returns the root repository directory from git


Tags the current head, forcibly.


Adds a list of files to the repo.

rever.vcsutils.have_push_permissions(*args, **kwargs)

Checks that we have push permission to a remote repository.

rever.vcsutils.latest_tag(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the most recent tag in the repo.

rever.vcsutils.make_vcs_dispatcher(vcsfuncs, name='vcs_dispatcher', doc='dispatches to a version control function', err='no func for handling the version contol system !{r}')

Creates a function that dispatches to different version control systems, depending on the users setting for $REVER_VCS.


Maps the string names of version control systems (e.g. ‘git’ or ‘hg’) to a function for handling that particular action.

namestr, optional

Dispatcher funtion name.

docstr, optional

Doctring for the dispatcher.

errstr, optional

Error message if the version control system name is not found in vcsfuncs. This is formatted with the value of $REVER_VCS.

rever.vcsutils.merge(*args, **kwargs)

Merges one revision into another.

rever.vcsutils.push(*args, **kwargs)

Pushes up to a remote URL a target branch or revision.

rever.vcsutils.push_tags(*args, **kwargs)

Pushes up tags to a remote URL.

rever.vcsutils.rewind(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the version control system to a previous state.

rever.vcsutils.root(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the root repository directory.

rever.vcsutils.tag(*args, **kwargs)

Tags the current head.

rever.vcsutils.track(*args, **kwargs)

Specify files to track in the repo.