BibTex Activity (rever.activities.bibtex)

Activity for bumping version.

class rever.activities.bibtex.BibTex(*, deps=frozenset({'version_bump'}))

Writes a BibTex reference for the version of software.

Environment variables that directly affect the behaviour of this activity are:


str, The filename to create. Defaults to 'bibtex.bib'.


str, The name of the project. This is expanded in the current envrionment, default $PROJECT.


list of str, The name of the authors to credit in the citation. Default has no authors.


str, URL to the project. This is expanded in the current environment, default '$WEBSITE_URL'.

Other environment variables that affect the behaviour of the bibtex activity are:


Used as the default project name.


Used as the default URL.


Used in the bibtex entry as part of the identifier.

namestr, optional

Name of the activity.

depsset of str, optional

Set of activities that must be completed before this activity is executed.

funccallable, optional

Function to perform as activity when this activities is executed (called).

undocallable, optional

Function to undo this activities behaviour and reset the repo state.

setupcallable, optional

Function to help initialize the activity.

checkcallable, optional

Function to check if the activity can be run sucessfully on the user’s machine, with their credentials, etc. This function should return True if the activity can be run, and False otherwise.

requiresdict or None, optional

A dict of dicts of the following form that specifies the command line utility and import requirements for this activity.

    "commands": {"<cli name>": "<package name>", ...}
    "imports": {"<module name>": "<package name>", ...}

The top-level keys are both optional, and this will default to an empty dict.

argstuple, optional

Arguments to be supplied to the func(*args), if needed.

kwargsmapping, optional

Keyword arguments to be supplied to the func(**kwargs), if needed.

descstr, optional

A short description of this activity


Returns all kwargs for this activity.


Calls this activity’s check() function.


Checks that an activities requirements are actually available.


Decorator that sets the check function for this activity.


Removes kwarg from the environment, if they exist.


Obtains possible func() kwarg from the environment.


Calls this activity’s setup() initialization function.


Decorator that sets the setup function for this activity.


Reverts to the last instance of this activity. This default implementation uses the revision in the log file from the last time that the activity was started. This may be overridden in a subclass.


Decorator that sets the undo function for this activity.

property env_names

Dictionary mapping parameter names to the names of environment varaibles that the activity looks for when it is executed.