Run Controlers (regolith.runcontrol)

Run Control object for regolith

regolith.runcontrol.NotSpecified = NotSpecified

A helper class singleton for run control meaning that a ‘real’ value has not been given.

class regolith.runcontrol.NotSpecifiedType[source]

A helper class singleton for run control meaning that a ‘real’ value has not been given.

class regolith.runcontrol.RunControl(_updaters=None, _validators=None, **kwargs)[source]

A composable configuration class. Unlike argparse.Namespace, this keeps the object dictionary (__dict__) separate from the run control attributes dictionary (_dict).

regolith.runcontrol.connect_db(rc, colls=None)[source]

Load up the db’s

  • rc – The runcontrol instance

  • colls – The list of collections that should be loaded


  • chained_db – The chained databases in the form of a document

  • dbs – The databases in the form of a runcontrol client


For a file path, ensure that its directory path exists.

regolith.runcontrol.exec_file(filename, glb=None, loc=None)[source]

A function equivalent to the Python 2.x execfile statement.


Filters the databases list down to only the ones we need, in place.


Generator which returns flattened version of nested sequences.


Tests if a value is hashable.


Loads a JSON run control file.


Loads a run control file.


Opens a file and updates the mtime, like the posix command of the same name.

regolith.runcontrol.warn_forbidden_name(forname, inname=None, rename=None)[source]

Warns the user that a forbidden name has been found.