Source code for

"""Builder for the planning of beamtimes.

The plan contains a summary of the information for the experiments
in during a beamtime and details about how to carry out the experiments.


from datetime import datetime

import pandas as pd

from import LatexBuilderBase
from import all_docs_from_collection, group, id_key

[docs] class BeamPlanBuilder(LatexBuilderBase): """ Build a file of experiment plans for the beamtime from database entries. The report is in the '.tex' file. The template of the file is in the 'templates/beamplan.tex'. The data will be grouped according to beamtime. Each beamtime will generate a file of the plans. If 'beamtime' in 'rc' are not None, only plans for those beamtime will be generated. Methods ------- construct_global_ctx() Constructs the global context. latex() Render latex template. """ btype = "beamplan" needed_colls = ["beamplan", "beamtime"]
[docs] def construct_global_ctx(self): """Constructs the global context.""" super().construct_global_ctx() gtx = self.gtx rc = self.rc gtx["beamplan"] = all_docs_from_collection(rc.client, "beamplan") gtx["beamtime"] = all_docs_from_collection(rc.client, "beamtime") gtx["all_docs_from_collection"] = all_docs_from_collection
@staticmethod def _to_readable(date): """Convert the string date to a human readable form.""" if date is None: return "missing" date_obj = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") readable_date = date_obj.strftime("%b %d, %Y") return readable_date @staticmethod def _search(db, key): """Search doc in the database.""" for doc in db: if id_key(doc) == key: return doc return None def _gather_info(self, bt, docs): """ Query information from the list of documents. Return a table as the summary of the plans and a list of experiment plans. Parameters ---------- bt : str The name of the beamtime. It should be a key in the beamtime.yml. docs : list A list of documents of the experiment plans in the beamplan database. Returns ------- info : dict The information obtained from the database and formatted. It contains the key value pairs: table - The latex string of table (used in tex file). table_str - The string of the table (used in txt file). tasks - The combination of todos in the plans. plans - The list of experiment plans. Each item in a plan is a list of strings. begin_date - The beginning date of the beamtime. end_date - The end date of the beamtime. caption - caption of the table. """ # get begin_date and end_date beamtime = self.gtx["beamtime"] bt_doc = self._search(beamtime, bt) if bt_doc: begin_date = self._to_readable(bt_doc.get("begin_date")) end_date = self._to_readable(bt_doc.get("end_date")) begin_time = bt_doc.get("begin_time", "missing") end_time = bt_doc.get("end_time", "missing") else: begin_time = end_time = begin_date = end_date = "no doc" # get data from beamplan rows, plans, tasks = [], [], [] docs = sorted(docs, key=lambda d: d.get("devices")) for n, doc in enumerate(docs): # gather information of the table serial_id = str(n + 1) row = { "serial id": serial_id, "project leader": doc.get("project_lead", ""), "number of samples": str(len(doc.get("samples", []))), "measurement": doc.get("measurement", ""), "devices": ", ".join(doc.get("devices", [])), "estimated time (h)": "{:.1f}".format(doc.get("time", 0) / 60), } rows.append(row) # gather information of the plan. plan = { "serial_id": serial_id, "samples": doc.get("samples", []), "objective": doc.get("objective", ""), "prep_plan": doc.get("prep_plan", []), "ship_plan": doc.get("ship_plan", []), "exp_plan": doc.get("exp_plan", []), "scanplan": doc.get("scanplan", []), } plans.append(plan) # gather info of the task todo_list = ["(Exp. {}) {}".format(serial_id, todo) for todo in doc.get("todo", [])] tasks += todo_list # make a pandas dataframe and calculate time and samples df = pd.DataFrame(rows) total_time = "{:.1f}".format(df["estimated time (h)"].astype(float).sum()) total_sample_num = "{:d}".format(df["number of samples"].astype(int).sum()) # convert to the string form table_latex = df.to_latex(escape=True, index=False) table_str = df.to_string() # make a dict info = { "bt": bt, # str "plans": plans, # List[dict] "table": table_latex, # str "table_for_txt": table_str, # str "tasks": tasks, # List[str] "begin_date": begin_date, # str "end_date": end_date, # str "begin_time": begin_time, # str "end_time": end_time, # str "total_time": total_time, # str "total_sample_num": total_sample_num, # str } return info
[docs] def latex(self): """Render latex template.""" gtx = self.gtx db = gtx["beamplan"] grouped = group(db, "beamtime") for bt, plans in grouped.items(): info = self._gather_info(bt, plans) self.render("beamplan.tex", "{}.tex".format(bt), **info) self.render("beamplan.txt", "{}.txt".format(bt), **info) self.pdf(bt) return